Monday, November 21, 2005


By Colin McLeod Hae Na

I wanted to let you folks know, that you can post comments to our blogs. Just scroll to the end of the particular entry (blog) and click '[instert #] comments'.

We Started here,
and Traveled here:

I left there and discovered white hair (look closely or click on the picture to make it bigger)

somewhere between t'hair'e and here:

Now I'm here, but they're not.

I was also here, but it's pretentious to talk about something which you can't really remember ;)

All in all I've been here and there, but not everywhere. Tommarow i will still be here, but soon after i'll be somewhere nearer to there than somwhere nearer to here.

Photo Stash: Italy

By Colin McLeod Hae Na

Ciao, Mr. Towlie said goodbye in Amsterdam, But he returned in an exquisite lethargic entourage for italy only to be condemned in India supported by heavy jail time. Without further Adieu i present Italy:

*wipes sweat from brow* That was a tedious task. Those last three especially. Well i hope you folks enjoy. Namaste.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

A Time and a Place For Everything...

By Colin McLeod Hae Na

Current Location: North Main Rd, Pune, India

oooh! i'm trying to put some pictures on the blog from time though--complications.

Well this is the time...and this is the place...all though not for everything...but a lot more than I'm accustomed to. Life is good here. The Ashram (OSHO) is quiet. The weather is nice The Ashram is expensive. I am the youngest in at the Ashram right now. It's supposed to pick-up a bunch of new people in the next week or so...that's when the party kicks off. All the cool groups happen later during that time, very few right now, nothing worth spending $200. But their is the AUM meditation this thirsday which i will participate in, Its only for an evening, so i'm still looking for some more, but It caught my eye, and it's been reccomended by three people spontaneously. My gracious grandmother said she will pay for a group and my aunt already paid for my first one called: Being Here. It was like an intro group, that dealt with the 4 different ways to open yourself: Mind, Body, Emotions and Senses(??? I think). It was a nice group...It was relaxed and uneventful compared to the groups and meditations I have done recently in Italy, but it gave me a taste...didn't help me much to conlude anything.... People have been talking alot about Reiki and i've become interested in finding a class that teaches it.

I haven't really become friends with any ladies....their just too damn old! their all at least 30 ;), Maybe a 26 ;) yr old here or there...It's tough being Colin. No, actually the people i have met are nice. For instance i met a spiffy Spanish man with suave name that I already hard to pronounce names in the first place...aah well it's not important...anyway he invited me to some crazy party outside the Ashram this Friday...It should be FUN! Most people have situated themselves in the Ashram as a resident--are working all day, or are attending various costly groups. During meals is the only time that people in a large amount appear, making it harder to meet people---young ladies. No worries, just happies. I'm having a good time here. Crystal and jayapal leave tommarow, they are kindly letting me stay in their pre-rented flat. they have been so good to me. shes also paid for 10 days entry into the Ashram which is awesome. that definetly allows me to do some extra groups. and i just heard that if you do volenteer work, not resident work, that they will give you some discounts....reduced entry fee and all that good stuff. so i will check out the work scene...


I haven't made any plans as to when I will leave, and my thoughts keep changing as to when that might be...but nothings actually decided. i will leave the morning i wake up and decide to leave. at least a week, maybe two....things change so fast though, i have to be careful that i dont mislead myself.
I looked into working and living here and discovered you have to devote three months to become a resident. That solidified my decision: no. It would be nice and all but 3 months is a commitment far to great out of my 7-8 months left. i have alot of india still to see.

Tatenda is awesome....god bless my iPod...though i find myself rarely using it. I love hearing the sounds of India: the Dogs barking, people speaking Hindi, merchants accosting me verbally, the kind "hellos", the ruckus of horns, etc. There's also all the pretty sights...but i wanna leave the computer soon so ill spare the details...sorry folks.

Umm....Ciao peeps. Enjoy your country of residence...If it's Italy I congratulate you, If it's America I laugh scoffingly upon you...playfully of course....You really ought to get yourself to the third world.

Love you all, except for those of you i hate...none come to I love you all, especially the ones i love the most. So, if you think your one of them flatter yourself. You Are

Peace and Love,
Colin Mathew Son of Leod of Harris--our tartan is better than Lewis...
And Harris is uglier than Lewis! YEA!

Colin's Weekly Anecdote (which normally you're not meant to understand, but i made it simpler and more salient this time):

"With a dash of simplicity and a shake of Childish wonder, i fast upon the evening's sky unto the milky shape appears in my sight and those bountiful pebbles call mine eye into a fanciful splendor dancing about, seducing the essence of Colin into a calmer state of mind, of awareness....This also happened with Peanut Butter, it was great!"

Tuesday, November 15, 2005


By Colin McLeod Hae Na


Tuesday, November 08, 2005

I Love India!

By Colin McLeod Hae Na

Thursday, November 03, 2005

I Keep Forgetting To Title My Blogs

By Colin McLeod Hae Na

Current Location: England
Are puppies cute? Yea....
Smell what The Rock is cooking? Beefcake.

Irony lies in this change above.
umm...I changed alot...

Umm...I wrote a long email to someone significant of significance.

umm...I traveling far far away, which will lead me closer.

umm...i just read about my zodiac sign, sagitarious. it was very interesting.

Umm...I will leave soon.

umm...I like eyes, eyes are beautiful.

umm...i traveled from Milano, Italy to London (LTN) for $40, I could of gotten it for 1 penny plus tax £16.

Umm...Holy Cow.

Umm...England i sexy, bias affects me no more in this regard.

Umm...Blue is sexy...hehe

Umm...Plane rides can be fun.

Umm...Osho Circle School is a beautiful place.

Umm...Good Bye.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005


By Colin McLeod Hae Na

Current Location: Osho Circle School
Gotten laid yet? I'm not supposed to talk about it.

Wow this Samahin has been an emotionally salubrious experience. A three day camp with various celtic rituals involving the underworld and the dead--the roots of our little vain holiday Halloween which places the dead in a sacriligious light, An Inipi(ritualistic and spiritual sweatlodge), Dynamic Meditations which made the emotions pour in ecsatic bliss, rage, heart awakening tears and the like, other meditations which pushed my emotions to the surface in dramatic ways, lots of hugs full of love, in its fullest. Lest I forget to elucidate, I expressed the pain of my beautiful short and sweet relationship with Ambara whenever i felt it--no holding back, no insecurites about where i am crying, just the beautiful and exhausting emotions that left me feeling alive and total throughout this whole experience. It's such a beautiful thing to be able to cry when you feel it, not having to push it away for a safer place or until the pain builds up, just release the pain in the moment and life is just beautiful. of course some of you may be wondering about the whole situation itself...I must say im not inclined to impart with that information. All the matters is that it was, is and always will forever anon be beautiful. Hmmm...I'm noticing my sesqepid use of the word beauty.....Aaaaaaah! Life is beautiful, so is the universe and everything.

First night of the Samahin we danced late late into the night, 4am or so. a ritualisic dance calling upon spirits and their help. Around 6 am I woke up Immediatley to Sandesh's Cell Phone playing a trance inducing tune and flashing strobe light colors and green upon the room. It was like an autonomous response, lieing on my back, my eyes just opened. I'm immediatley aware of this event, but i wasnt in my body at all. It was like my eyes and ears recording and perceiving it all, but my concious, i, me, my soul wasn't there. i couldn't move, couldn't think, it was incredible. My body just lied there while---almost like staring through a window, this was me to my body, completly displaced. This has happened to me before but never ever so intense and total!

Lunch time...
...I was taken back by an awesome sight, a storm came in during lunch. the clouds rushed up the mountain past the window at an incredible speed. the leaves started flying, there was a magic in the air like i've never seen before. I was told twice my face looks like an angel. I have changed incredible since arriving here. I cried from the beauty of this sight, tears of pure joy and exultation
Power Session meditation...
My chakras are coming alive. this camp lead by Arshad has had alot of work put into the chakras. I've never been too familiar with chakras, when Arshad showed us a picture and started explaining, i realized what this strange sensation at the top of my head has been. my 7th chakra was full of energy. today it moved down to include My heart chakra and my 6th. wow...i was just displaced from my body momentarily....this is so intense.

I'm in rapture. Life is so good here. So much Love in this place. I am ready for India. I will return here again.