Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Happy One Year Birthday Gypsy Oddyssey Blog

By Colin McLeod Hae Na


Today, in International Traveling affairs, we give you breaking news. as today is Gypsy Odyssey's Birthday. You are one year old. Congratulations.

Please everyone celebrate this birthday in your own light.

Name: Colin McLeod
Age: 19
Sex: Male
Permanent Address: A Place in France (i'll write it next time)
Purposed Stay in India: Tourist (eer let me write traveling gypsy on quest, you bloinks)
Arrival From: Dehli
Probable Destination: Pushkar
Mode of Transportation: Train
Passport #, expire, issue, and place: 21373xxxx, may 05, may 2015, USDOS
Visa #, expire, issue, place: 6989929, 21-08-06, 21-02-06, Bangkok
Length of Stay in India: 10 days
Nationality: American

Misc. Questions
Time to fill this out: 10 min.
Written redundencies: One

Why bother?: Half the time i write in squibish.

Arrival In India: March 25

Fun responses.
Where you From? My mother.
Where you From? A place in france...Where the naked ladies dance...0h nevermind.
Where you From? No hablo englesia
You from Russia? Da
Where you From? JESUS i've only been there once.

Well my fellows and fellaws and fellews. India is turning me up and sending me back...to ENGLAND!
9 Days until my departure. But i have 5 to see as much of rajisthan as posible. Heh.

I know I Know This aint Much of Much. Im sorry But im on a Time Constriant. Its You, The Blog or Rajisthan. Lets make it Clear, as with others who have not got it. Rajisthan takes Priority. But ill fill you in soon enough. 10 days.


I like it when it rains.

Or when the red water comes out.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Humeny Humeny Humeny Croaik

By Colin McLeod Hae Na

Current jived spot for my booty to sleep at night? Rishikesh- where
the Babas and Sadus are the nicest.
Next place: tomarrow Dharmsala

So like im here in the self-proclaimed yoga capital in the world. i
havent done any yoga, i think i shot myself in fooot for that one.
but i;ve got an acheing for some auyervedic massage, as some cool
kerolin dude read my pulse and told me my backs messed up, my
shoulders and neck are way tight, my crown chakra is peeved--you been
thinking to much, and your solar plexious feels way grody. so that
sold me, as i could feel most of those things and defenitely felt
alot of them release during these two massages he gave me. so i maybe
learn some auyverdic massage from this dude in manali as hes like 7
days $60 so pretty good for me. though still run my hot.

so i been doing some indepent nature hiking and its led me to a big
ancient holy place of worship for hinuds bhind the laxman village in
rishikesh its about a 4 hour hike+ first stretch is over this massive
range of mountains and then down into the valley on the other side.
this temple has been around for atleast 2500 years or parts of it. as
they have a shiva fire, like in Banaras. the fire of shiva thats been
burning for 2500 years. so i got som blessing and gave some blessing.
the walk was the best. there were mad amounts of people and gaurds
kicking everybody everywhere so they would move on through this big
massive convolluted line. i took a paper wrapping amount of shiva fire
to keep for personal use. the place was pretty sweet but it didnt mean
much to me, i supposed if i was hindu and really cared about rituals
pertaining too then it would be sweet. but the journery to and from
was the best. orriginally i went looking for the beatles ashram, found
the next day. but then a massive group of young india males, kidnapped
me and i begain hiking up this mountain with them. then we seperated
as i found a field ontop of the mountain that had the same vibes as
fairy glen and begain to frolic in it. catching up with two other
indian guys, working in bihar as various engeering jobs, on holiday, i
spent my temple time, queing time and riding ontop of a truck driving
back to rishikesh speeding quite fast indeed down the windy mountain
and around, with them. so alls well that ends well. im gonna go take a
swim in the raging torrent of the ganga river today. but dont worry im
not gonna swim out far , just stay on the side where its safe. did i
mention seeing dead bodies at banaras? yes well rishikesh....has fresh
ones floating down the river. quite ironic actually: i was talking to
some peeps about these three boys that drowned (two because the kept
going in after to save the others, the fourth was restrained from
entering forcefully) in the ganes river, then discussing the river and
all its holiness, undercurrents and rapid movments....silence staring
into the soul of the river.....stands up...approches balcony..speaks
out: hey guys....

we stand silent and, myself, awed serenly, watching a middle aged man
floating face down...coming coming, here, going going going
gone....thus the circle of life goes.

now im in Dharmsala, go find me some Dali Lama to give a few chinnings too.

Ciao peeps

Beastly business. PROPS TO THE BEAST!