By Colin McLeod Hae Na
Current Location: Osho Circle School
Gotten laid yet? I'm not supposed to talk about it.
Wow this Samahin has been an emotionally salubrious experience. A three day camp with various celtic rituals involving the underworld and the dead--the roots of our little vain holiday Halloween which places the dead in a sacriligious light, An Inipi(ritualistic and spiritual sweatlodge), Dynamic Meditations which made the emotions pour in ecsatic bliss, rage, heart awakening tears and the like, other meditations which pushed my emotions to the surface in dramatic ways, lots of hugs full of love, in its fullest. Lest I forget to elucidate, I expressed the pain of my beautiful short and sweet relationship with Ambara whenever i felt it--no holding back, no insecurites about where i am crying, just the beautiful and exhausting emotions that left me feeling alive and total throughout this whole experience. It's such a beautiful thing to be able to cry when you feel it, not having to push it away for a safer place or until the pain builds up, just release the pain in the moment and life is just beautiful. of course some of you may be wondering about the whole situation itself...I must say im not inclined to impart with that information. All the matters is that it was, is and always will forever anon be beautiful. Hmmm...I'm noticing my sesqepid use of the word beauty.....Aaaaaaah! Life is beautiful, so is the universe and everything.
First night of the Samahin we danced late late into the night, 4am or so. a ritualisic dance calling upon spirits and their help. Around 6 am I woke up Immediatley to Sandesh's Cell Phone playing a trance inducing tune and flashing strobe light colors and green upon the room. It was like an autonomous response, lieing on my back, my eyes just opened. I'm immediatley aware of this event, but i wasnt in my body at all. It was like my eyes and ears recording and perceiving it all, but my concious, i, me, my soul wasn't there. i couldn't move, couldn't think, it was incredible. My body just lied there while---almost like staring through a window, this was me to my body, completly displaced. This has happened to me before but never ever so intense and total!
Lunch time...
...I was taken back by an awesome sight, a storm came in during lunch. the clouds rushed up the mountain past the window at an incredible speed. the leaves started flying, there was a magic in the air like i've never seen before. I was told twice my face looks like an angel. I have changed incredible since arriving here. I cried from the beauty of this sight, tears of pure joy and exultation
Power Session meditation...
My chakras are coming alive. this camp lead by Arshad has had alot of work put into the chakras. I've never been too familiar with chakras, when Arshad showed us a picture and started explaining, i realized what this strange sensation at the top of my head has been. my 7th chakra was full of energy. today it moved down to include My heart chakra and my 6th. wow...i was just displaced from my body momentarily....this is so intense.
I'm in rapture. Life is so good here. So much Love in this place. I am ready for India. I will return here again.
Current Location: Osho Circle School
Gotten laid yet? I'm not supposed to talk about it.
Wow this Samahin has been an emotionally salubrious experience. A three day camp with various celtic rituals involving the underworld and the dead--the roots of our little vain holiday Halloween which places the dead in a sacriligious light, An Inipi(ritualistic and spiritual sweatlodge), Dynamic Meditations which made the emotions pour in ecsatic bliss, rage, heart awakening tears and the like, other meditations which pushed my emotions to the surface in dramatic ways, lots of hugs full of love, in its fullest. Lest I forget to elucidate, I expressed the pain of my beautiful short and sweet relationship with Ambara whenever i felt it--no holding back, no insecurites about where i am crying, just the beautiful and exhausting emotions that left me feeling alive and total throughout this whole experience. It's such a beautiful thing to be able to cry when you feel it, not having to push it away for a safer place or until the pain builds up, just release the pain in the moment and life is just beautiful. of course some of you may be wondering about the whole situation itself...I must say im not inclined to impart with that information. All the matters is that it was, is and always will forever anon be beautiful. Hmmm...I'm noticing my sesqepid use of the word beauty.....Aaaaaaah! Life is beautiful, so is the universe and everything.
First night of the Samahin we danced late late into the night, 4am or so. a ritualisic dance calling upon spirits and their help. Around 6 am I woke up Immediatley to Sandesh's Cell Phone playing a trance inducing tune and flashing strobe light colors and green upon the room. It was like an autonomous response, lieing on my back, my eyes just opened. I'm immediatley aware of this event, but i wasnt in my body at all. It was like my eyes and ears recording and perceiving it all, but my concious, i, me, my soul wasn't there. i couldn't move, couldn't think, it was incredible. My body just lied there while---almost like staring through a window, this was me to my body, completly displaced. This has happened to me before but never ever so intense and total!
Lunch time...
...I was taken back by an awesome sight, a storm came in during lunch. the clouds rushed up the mountain past the window at an incredible speed. the leaves started flying, there was a magic in the air like i've never seen before. I was told twice my face looks like an angel. I have changed incredible since arriving here. I cried from the beauty of this sight, tears of pure joy and exultation
Power Session meditation...
My chakras are coming alive. this camp lead by Arshad has had alot of work put into the chakras. I've never been too familiar with chakras, when Arshad showed us a picture and started explaining, i realized what this strange sensation at the top of my head has been. my 7th chakra was full of energy. today it moved down to include My heart chakra and my 6th. wow...i was just displaced from my body momentarily....this is so intense.
I'm in rapture. Life is so good here. So much Love in this place. I am ready for India. I will return here again.
one time i saw our friend colin, do you know what his name was?
his name was Riserved and he didn't look like an eagle. He lived on a dirt road near jesus who he was tying to liberate, we tried to help but he was in the wall and we had much more pressing engagements. Do you know what a pressing engagement is Colin? the ressurection of the totem plant of silver pigeon. That is the most important thing right now.
Thank you Emily, Ciao Bella.
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