Friday, October 28, 2005

The Good Stuff..heh

By Colin McLeod Hae Na

Current Location: Osho Circle School...a place in Italy

Well, folks im still here and loving it. Never went to Amsterdam, which i was never that pumped to return to. Besides the drugs here are better....wait dont misinterpret my words. i dont mean forgiegn substances, just emotions--that when you havent felt in a while are incredible blissful. ok so i cant claim its love or close...but then again i dont know what love consists of or to what degree, nevermind another subject. I have met a girl who i like. like always there are big problems in the way. she likes me i like here she has a boyfriend...and thats the end of that..almost...but its ok it teaches me good things about relations, acceptence and the like. also it uncovered some repressed emotions.

AAAH! their closing the office gotta go.

Friday, October 21, 2005


By Colin McLeod Hae Na

Location: Novafeltria, Italy
Gotten Laid Yet? No...But i am happy ;).

Ciao Bellos y Bellas,
I hope your enjoying life in the states, as i am enjoying traveling Italy. I wish to apologize for my lack of communication namelymy lack of blog writing over the past two weeks. Things just got a little hectic, didn't know what to say or how to say it when i did...or even want to. To elucidate: Things have been a bit bumpy in regards to the relationship within the trio. A lot of "beefs" have been left unsaid on both sides of the crude fence hesitatingly built by the months of traveling and living together. *sighs from relief* Well, we finally laid it all out and discussed everything that needed to be, which has made for a much pleasurable interaction between us.

Currently, in between typing this blog i'm trying to book our flight over the phone to depart London and begin traveling India on Nov 3. This has been a tedious but laughable efforton my part. The call was at international rates because our phone cards wont call 800 numbers. I spoke to a Hindu Lady with a meager voice and egregious pronouciation, causing a fundamentaly flawed communication on the recieving end of things.... neither hoku or I was able to understand her! A break is definitely in order after that. I spent a good HOUR trying to call this stupid number facing problems with phone cards, English, and the phones back at Osho Circle School in Novafeltria using pulse dialing not tone.

Alright enough of that *lets out a suspectful despondent laugh from exhaustion*.* I just received a immersfully sentimental and delightful hug....Refernce back to my awnser from the "gotten laid?" question, with special emphasis on the elipse followed by a wink)....I feel good *starts singing song*! ******IN the middle of my first revision oct 23 going to pub be back later---that pub was fun*****

Ok back to business part of me feels obligated to keep you all informed by writing in this blog....i dont like feeling obligated to do that....I think in India i will be less apt to least obligatorily. maybe some of you say good for me....others may wish to be kept up to date with may happenings. so i apologize now. i don't wish to be rude, its not my intent. i just need to be from all responsibilities not concerning my immediate well-being. i need to be alive only to me, away from everyone i know and who knows me.
this is all leading to the trio is splitting up for a time, to travel our own paths go our own ways. i will be the first to depart. we will leave the country together in the first days of November, upon entering India i'll split. and for the remaining time i have in Europe 11 days or so i may or may not spend it with them.

perhaps i should catch you eager listeners up a bit about of past few weeks. We stayed at Osho circle school for a few days, rested, did nothing, did meditations, watched some osho videos, ate food. i helped them with some of their computer problems, basically i had a fantastic time. then we went to a babagi(Spelling???) commune for a day, during one of there nine day ceremonies, consisting of fasting, lots of prayers, songs and burning things :)...back to osho circle school for a day had some tasty ice cream in Rimini which was 100% natural in that everything was locally grown and made! they didn't even use white sugar! then we traveled to Lecce for 5 days, 3 of which were spent with participating in a spiritual camp guided by Hokus father. this was at another Osho commune. very very very nice and lovely people, very warm, and relaxing. in lecce we ate the worlds best ice cream, i find it futile to exclaim any further how that statement is true because...well lets just say it makes say ben and jerry's or maybe for you folks dryers taste like chilled poop. yea thats appropriate. we leave to pavia in one day spend three days there. their plan which at this moment i have no plan to not follow is to go back to Amsterdam....haha! anyways sorry i didnt put more energy into writing this im having enough trouble keeping a journal together, but meh i dont truly care....i just know that i will eventually. maybe ill revise this later. Chiao