Monday, August 14, 2006

A Title of Love

By Colin McLeod Hae Na


The world spins and I spin with it. Feeling Love: However it comes across, lands to find
Peace of Heart
Living Silently
Feeling all that is whenever i seek the presence in my heart i seek life in the absolute.

Oh Thank You life! Thank you for all the grace you have bestowed upon me i never seem to thank you enough.

Life has enough troubles to slow us down with, for we forget so easily all the many times life has helped us. We forget to Love and to be loved. is it. It is the most amazing thing in all time. live and let love shine out from our hearts, Let it radiate around the world purging every corner and hallowed ground with light.

Greet me on a summers day holding flowers in our hands running like children through fields of marigolds, a delight of senses fills the air. And silently watching our hearts speak music to the world we dance. Hope anon for the world to be restored to love and light. Hope anon that we children do bring the light. Hope for every more that little bygones do deserve dwellings in the lands we labour no more in. Let us find a soul to share our pains. Let us transcend the world together as one unison of existence. Hold onto love whenever it finds your path. Never turn an eye for fear the other loses its way. Breathe the songs existence has wrote time and time again. Breathe the fantasy's played out in our heart to bring truth and fruit to the world.

The pain will stop ever more, the hurt will cease and our hearts no longer will creep but shine forth blossoms in the sky.

Oh life grant me this one. Let me not stray from the path of love: As love will lift us higher then we ever could soar, Love will cradle and nurture our beings to never fear. Never lose Love for Love never loses us.

give me the eyes to see love
give me the ears to hear love
give me the touch to feel love
give me the tongue to taste love
give me the nose to smell love
give me the capacity to be love
give love give life.


--Thank you Piyusha. You brought love to me heart. Thank You.

The Road I walked, Trotted, Spun, Twirled, Laughed, Giggled, Hopped, Skipped, Pranced, Jumped, Whooped and Hooped.

By Colin McLeod Hae Na

Location of Da' Sex Palace? John and Barbie's, Watford, England. (Part 1) - The House of Sadhana and Granny, The Town of David Icke (Ryde), IOW (Part 2: Present)

Dear fAIthful bLOG Readers,

My time in india finnally came to a close. furthermore i wish to apologize for all the blogs that i havent written in the past weeks, maybe months.

but hear me hear me, i will unleash a squack for you.

I spent some goody fun time in Mcleod Ganj.

Arriving i hooked back up with two friends i met in banaras. english and australian couple. we spend time walking, talking....then found a restuarant. ate food, chatted...left. found new resturaunt, ate food, left. it was a vicsious cycle.

we played cards...Gambled with chocolate. see the victors and their spoils

met some more english people. hung out and chatted. walked around the beautiful mountains. attended the Dali Llama's birthday--but he was sick, thus a no show.

I spent a least three weeks after vipassina suffering from all the trauma of smashing my old brain patterns. its been quite an intense experience. it caused me to realize quite a few important things. this idea of faith, commitment, i've always had issues with. but now i start small. correct myself. i have a rule that i must meditate everynight. there is no time requirement. as long as i get into posture, which i start to find once ive gone to all the trouble i end up silent sitting for longer than i intended..... the starting nights i would meditate for 5 seconds before bed( some nights it was like 2 sec maybe. i tell you this vippassina wants to fuck you up for the better). slowly now i relax and meditate for longer periods of time. it was a beautiful trick to get me to put the habit on my plate.

I've become very interested in Crystals. the energy, the posseses fascinates me, as well as other stones. i found a beautiful shop with a beautiful lady in McLeod Ganj, i spent hours in her little shanti shop full of crystals talking and looking/feeling/understanding crystals. i bought a few and their amazing. i've become very sensitive to their vibes now. i sleep with a few and wear another. i've experimented with different layouts, and its all so fun how you can change your entire sleep by changing the direction of a crystal under your head.

Then i high tailed it over to Rishikesh for a week. squeeze till the last drop. can you feel it?

Here at Sadhana's I've had many sleeps to play with. I've been thinking that if i could stop dreaming during sleep i would sleep better, less, feel more refreshed. Past: The silent sleeps i've had i woke feeling right as rain and crystal clear.

So i've been experimenting with the lucid side of things, with and with out my crystals, its been quite an experience. i was able to wake after five hours with my mind feeling fresh and awake, unfortunetly im learning a balance and my body didnt like that, a few times--it was lovely i got up had some MUSELI and watched the sunrise. I suppose i could rant for a bit on all this lovely body shifting experiences, but i dont want to, better in person.

Hmm...I've got lots of sewing to do, from all the india clothes i bought where they wont hemm the seams so it starts to fray. now i feel all light and fluffy when i walk around. its funny though, i started dressing like a white boy india tourist after i left. during i kept all my america clothes and tried to make them last as long as possible.

I've got about 6 months in Europe, possible more. Im not sure what ill do with it. I've come accross a number of ideas, so many possibilites. For the immediate moment and future: I'm Stewarding for a festival "Beautiful Days" (You can google it to, search within the U.K. pages) over in Exeter (SW) England, then Up to St. Albans to Reclaim my *Coughs*Stolen Hemp English Style grey hat that you all know. I can remain abstinent from all forms of sexual activity(I haven't said its been easy), but the women still get their way. tsk tsk tsk. Fortuneatly for me shes a nice women. After this week chilling with real english people...yeah baby... one of which will be my personal historian/Archeologist + Tour Guide, The other stole my hat, and the third well i shant discuss naudy neddy, she's...naughty, I will fly to Where? Weee Planes WHOOOOOOOOO(high pitch) A BOOT.

Yeah i miss that ol' boot. good old boot. where on hevens earth would i be. nice boot. warm boot. fuzzy boot. TASTY boot. Passionate Boot. How many boots you met that fill all that?

Oh wait. It is to be a surprise: My arrival...
Italians shouldn't read this blog until my surprise arrival in Italy. If you are Italian and i know you in Italy, You ought to be nice and play Secret Silent mouse(SSM) Because your now in on the secret. MWUFF cheese. *Smiles*
Im feeling about ready to go Vipassina Round 2. we'll see wont we.
Okay sorry to make you all wait. It so hard being Me. hehehe.
Ciao Amore