Thursday, August 11, 2005

Life and it's Infinite Driving Force

By Colin McLeod Hae Na

Hello good friends and random people I will never meet. How is your life going? For me, I must say life is quite nice at this moment. I’m happy (spoken like josh shelvin) and there isn't anything to complain about. I’ve been having some amazingly stimulating debates/discussion about emotions and how to properly deal with them with my becoming quite quickly good friend sylvan, which is too much effort to discuss here.

I've been finding myself victim of confusion...there are some people that are highly difficult to understand what their feeling or thinking (possibly about me). Normally I would ask these people and save myself the trouble, but this situation requires that I just go about it the subtle-just-let-it-be and it-will-only-happen-then way, which is quite an exercise on my part. I’m sure I could be putting my time to better use, like perhaps finishing Ayn Rand's atlas shrugged, but meh...

we have approximately 4 weeks until Hoku, Alex and I leave from New York to London to begin our ten month odyssey. I just bought my backpack in Portland last week, when I went to my family reunion at the beach in southern Oregon, and I’m very *shelvin style* happy, was able to see some good old friends, and spend good time with my family before I leave their sights for a long time.

It just occurred to me that I should write more happy poems, most of mine are less than joyful, though were still very therapeutic.
I'm sick now and am not respecting my fever contained body by going and playing ULTIMATE FREESBIE in the park with friends. Its fun, you boring people should try it. It’s also a great form of exercise.

Well I love you all, even the people i dislike...if you can understand that, kudos to you!

Hey Grandpa Dan McLeod,
I love you immensely, I know your enjoying yourself wherever you are. thank you for all the incredible things you taught me, the beauty in death and a deeper understanding of it, the care you gave to everyone you met, to name a small handful or breaking it down awfully simple. Your love and kindness has affected the world in a most positive way. I miss you greatly, but it's not holding me back any.

I bid you good friends and grandfather adieu.

"Breathe Deep and Be Happy"
"Some trees are tall, some trees are small, but each has it’s own beauty." ~ Dan McLeod



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